As the use of such cards is increasing rapidly, one should aware of different type of cards used in online banking and which one is best.
If you are also confused with the cards, let me clarify, which card you should use.
There are three types of cards which are in trend now a days viz. VISA , MasterCard and Rupay card. Let us have a brief look over each of them to differentiate them from each other.
Visa card provides payment service whole over the world. This is the world's largest payment system.
This payment system is operated by American company VISA inc. It provide both Debit card as well Credit card.
2. MasterCard
Mastercard also provide payment service whole over the world but there network is small as compared to visa card.
This service is provided by American company MasterCard inc. It also have both type of cards viz. Debit card and credit card.
3. Rupay
Rupay payment service is served only in India. It is India's own domestic payment gateway.
This system is launched by "National Payment Corporation of India" (NCPI).
In association with "Indian Railway Catering and Commercial Enterprise Corporation" (IRCTC) in 2012. It offers only debit cards, not credit cards.
India is in the list of few countries having there own payment gateways.
Now let us see which is best based on some criteria like speed, acceptance etc.
1. Faster transaction
Since Visa and MasterCard serves worldwide and Rupay serves only in India, So with the use of Rupay card processing would be down within India hence a faster and time efficient transaction as compared to VISA and Mastercard.
2. Acceptance
VISA and Mastercard are accepted worldwide since they are serving from a long time. They are accepted by almost all major online and offline retailers such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart etc.
Rupay card is not accepted in other contries but accepted most of the online retailers such as snapdeal, flipkart, and paytm etc. However NCPI is working for the worldwide acceptance of Rupay card.
3. Entry fees & service charge
In case of international cards like VISA and MasterCard banks have to pay a entry fees to be a part of there international network.
Service charge is also more in case of international cards as compared to Rupay card.
Service charge in case of Rupay card is about 0.125% which is higher in case of VISA and Mastercard and is about 0.185%.
This is all about cards. I think you are now able to select a card which is suitable for your needs.
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